Worship Ministries
Altar Flowers
Glorify our Lord by Donating Flowers for the Altar
During Advent and Lent the altars will be decorated with greenery.
To order online: Click here to complete the Flowers Order Form. Forms must be submitted by the Monday of the week before the designated Sunday.
The total for altar flowers it $250 for two arrangements and $125 for one arrangement. During Advent and Lent when greenery adorns the altar the total is $70 for both arrangements.
To order offline: Complete a hard copy flower order form available in the front office.
If paying by check, please mail check and form to 917 Lamar Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102, attention Sanda Warren. If you need assistance contact Sanda Warren by email or call 817-332-3191.
Chalice bearers at St. Andrew's assist in approximately 120 Sunday morning and 50 mid-week Holy Communion services each year. Currently we have 12 licensed Chalice Bearers. For more information, please email Sanda Warren or call (817) 913-5565.
Chalice Bearers
New acolytes are recruited and trained in the summer following confirmation, providing a ministry to the parish immediately after becoming full communicant members of the church. Acolytes serve on Sundays, as well as for weddings, funerals and other special services. Each acolyte is trained with the updated Acolyte Manual. For more information please email Bob Haslam, Acolyte Warden.
Each Sunday, a team of Greeters is available before and after the service to extend a warm welcome to visitors and answer any questions they may have. Greeter teams are usually scheduled for service every other month. For more information on serving St. Andrew’s as a Greeter, please contact Michelle McConnell.