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Children’s Ministry

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Children's Sunday Education

The First Hour Elementary Education classes will not meet February 23 due to the World Mission Luncheon.

Second Hour To attend the 11:00 AM class time, children follow the Crucifer out of the 10:30 AM service during the sermon hymn, to the Parish House.

During the Fall, Winter, & Spring Sunday School Times
The 9:15 AM Elementary students will meet in the classrooms on the second floor.

2025 Elementary

March Memory Verse: Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:10

March 2: Mark 6 John the Baptist’s Voice is Silenced

March 9: Mark 7 A Dogged Faith…Gentile Woman asks Jesus to Heal Her Daughter

March 16: Mark 10 Jesus Says the Kids Can Come, Too!

March 23 Luke 10 Who is My Neighbor?

Prayer Request and Attendance Card.

Procession of the Saints Children and youth of all ages at Saint Andrew’s

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SONshine Sprouts Nursery Ministry

SONshine Sprouts Early Childhood Ministry

Early Childhood Education
Preschool through Kinder 
The 9:15-10:15AM Preschool through Kinder classes will meet in the classrooms on the lower level.

Let us know you attended by filling out a Prayer and Attendance Card


Our nursery is open and available for all church-wide events. We also provide childcare needs with reservations made for any other church event. Our CPR and First Aid certified nursery staff is committed to providing a happy, safe, and loving environment. They have been trained on the AED and are required to have 10 hours of yearly training in childcare. Our four nursery rooms are divided for the different ages of children. 

The Starry Night room is for our infants. This room also provides a place for nursing mothers. 

The Sunshine room is for our young toddlers with plenty of fun toys and activities. 

The Under the Sea room is for our older toddlers. In this room we have four play centers and several manipulatives. 

The Ark Playroom is used for all toddlers. This room has been arranged as a small playground with trampoline, mini coaster, and train sets. All four rooms have been updated to be in compliance with Safety and Fire Regulations. 

Bible ABCs 

Our nursery curriculum used every Sunday is the Bible ABCs. It is an introduction to the Bible through the letters of the alphabet: each week a new letter is introduced, along with a corresponding biblical character or theme, Bible verse, and attribute of God. There are craft projects, coloring, singing, etc. It starts every Spring, with breaks for liturgical year/season-specific activities. 

Parents’ Night Out 

Our Parents’ Night Out event has been designed to give parents a night out by providing fun, educational programming in a safe environment. Parents are able to drop off their little ones and enjoy a kid-free evening. The children are supervised and entertained by the Youth Ministry and SONshine staff. Each event includes activities like crafts, snacks, and games. All money raised goes to Youth and Nursery ministries.

Moms and Lil’ Sprouts

First and third Fridays of the month at various locations.
Contact Lindsay for locations.

We bring the fun. All you have to do is come.

Past Years’ VBS

Watch VBS 2020 Online Last Year…


The Baby in the Basket | On the Move with Moses Big idea of the day: God protects us! Biblical text: Exodus 2.1-10 0:10 Welcome & Introduction (Miss Lindsay)...

The Ten Commandments | On the Move with Moses Big idea of the day: God teaches us! Biblical text: Exodus 20.1-17 0:10 Welcome & Introduction (Lindsay)

In the Wilderness: Toward the Promised Land | On the Move with Moses Big idea of the day: God leads us Biblical text: Numbers 9.15-23 0:10 Welcome & Introduc...
The Exodus: Crossing the Red Sea | On the Move With Moses Big idea of the day: God rescues us! Biblical text: Exodus 14 0:10 Welcome & Introduction (Scott) 0...
The Tabernacle | On the Move with Moses Big idea of the day: God is with us! Biblical text: Exodus 40.1-34 0:10 Welcome & Introduction (Scott) 0:44 Opening P...

Bloopers….. "Cut--!" Behind the scenes!