Parish Outreach
Ways to Serve
Following are ongoing parish outreach efforts that offer parishioners a variety of ways to serve God and His people by gifts of time and talents. Consider how God has called you, and contact the leaders named below to plug in to the many parish wide outreach ministries that occur throughout the year.
East Door Ministry
St. Andrew’s has a wonderful history of reaching out to those around us who need help. The East Door Ministry began in the 50's at St. Andrew's to assist those in need of food and clothing. In the 80's the ministry transitioned into our current Sandwich Ministry providing PB&J sandwiches, made in our kitchen, to Union Gospel to distribute to those in need.
The current East Door ministry is an invitation, sent by Christ through His people at St. Andrew’s, to those we are called to love. Our care and provision for our friends and neighbors in need is simply one aspect of the love of Jesus. Please join us in donating and volunteering as we open our door to the community. If you are interested in helping out, we will be glad to get you connected. This is a ministry that will offer opportunities to all ages for serving right at our own doorstep.
Contact the the Peggy Rush to learn more about the ministry and how to volunteer.
What can I do?
First Wednesdays of the Month 2 - 4PM
Distribute backpacks and supplies
We need at least 2 volunteers
each WednesdayAnytime
Donate supplies Download a current supply list of needs
Pray for our Ministry volunteers
and those in need who come to our doorsSpread the news to those
who need our help by simply
handing out a list of our supplies
when you see someone in need
download this card
Angel Tree Ministry
St. Andrew’s Angel Tree provides Christmas gifts to needy children through several local ministry partners. Beneficiaries in recent years include the boys of HOPE Farm and children of Victory Temple Women’s Home Residents.
To learn more about St. Andrew’s Angel Tree, please contact David Fussell.
Iglesia San Miguel in southeast Fort Worth is an Anglican mission in the Diocese of Fort Worth led by Canon Sergio Diaz, Vicar. St. Andrew’s and San Miguel have developed mutually supportive relationships, including the Men’s Ministry providing instruction and Bibles to their confirmands, parishioners helping with Thanksgiving Day and other festivals at San Miguel, San Miguel children and teens participating in our VBS, and San Miguel ladies making tamales sold through St. Andrew’s at Christmas.
To learn more about opportunities for involvement with Iglesia San Miguel, please contact Richard Cross.
The mission of Kairos Prison Ministry is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities.
"I was in prison and you visited me" — Matthew 25:36
Operation Christmas Child (OCC) Shoebox Ministry is a worldwide ministry sponsored at St. Andrew’s through the Children’s Ministry, with the whole parish participating. This is a favorite outreach involving our whole parish that sends the love of Christ to children around the world, one that offers every parishioner, young or old, a way to support global mission.
For more information about OCC, go to Samaritan's Purse or email Judy Mayo, Director of Children’s Ministries.
Read2Win is a strategic initiative that has been coordinated by the Fort Worth ISD. The goal of Read2Win is to provide Volunteer Reading Coaches for every FWISD 1st grade elementary student who has been identified by the district as needing extra help in reading skills. St. Andrew's has a partnership with De Zavala Elementary School whereby St. Andrew's Volunteer Reading Coaches meet with 1st and 2nd grade students in one-on-one weekly visits.
To learn about participating in Read2Win and other service at De Zavala, please contact Debbie Mitchell. Visit for general information about the program.
Inspired by parishioner Pam Johndroe’s many years of loving dedication, St. Andrew’s Men now host, prepare and serve lunch the first Tuesday of the month at the Ronald McDonald House (RMH). Located at 1001 8th Avenue in Fort Worth, RMH is a home-away-from-home outreach to families of children receiving medical treatment in hospitals throughout the community.
Contact Richard Cross.
Sandwich ministry
Parishioners make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at St. Andrew's for Union Gospel to distribute.
Please contact Debbie Mitchell for more information.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
VBS is a major summer outreach for our entire parish, using a course designed specifically for our VBS and a set designed and constructed by our own St. Andrew’s parishioners. With many from other parishes and the surrounding community, children ages 4 to 12 participate in dynamic Bible learning and fun crafts, with youth trained and serving as teen helpers. Serving opportunities to support this faith building event abound for parishioners of all ages and skills.
Please contact Lindsay Lindley to learn how you can get involved.
UGM Children’s School Supplies
Each Fall St. Andrew's parishioners donate school supplies for the children at Union Gospel Mission. A box is located in the front hall outside the office. This year the supplies requested are Folders with brads, Story Paper/Manila Paper, Baby Wipes, Facial Tissues, and gallon Zip Lock Bags
Click here to read about a special Day at the Mission in July 2013 with over 80 parishioners serving on site at Ministry Partner Union Gospel Mission.
Lenten Mite Box Offering
A Loving Outreach in Jesus’ Name
One of our great Anglican traditions is the Lenten mite boxes offering. These simple boxes are visual reminders to focus our attention on the needs of others during this season of self-denial and spiritual growth. The mite box derives its name from the story of the poor widow who dropped her two small copper coins, representing all she had, into the temple treasury (Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4). Jesus commended the widow greatly, since her offering had obviously come from her heart and had cost her a great deal.
St. Andrew’s has a wonderful, long history of participating in this project. This is a parish project for all ages. It can be an individual project or a family project. Yes, this is a monetary project, but it also invites us to be in prayer for the recipients of the offering, to come to know and love them, and to become true partners in ministry with the recipients. The mite boxes are available at the back of the church and in the parish house hallway outside of the office.
This year’s offering will benefit the Anglican Hispanic mission congregation of Iglesia San Miguel, located at 3605 E. Fairfax Ave. in southeast Fort Worth. Their congregation moved to its present property, which included a small house, a three-car garage, a storage building, and a large yard. The three-car garage became San Miguel’s church. The congregation of Iglesia San Migule has reached out in Jesus’ love to their neighborhood, despite having a number of needs themselves. San Miguel is a light for the Lord and the Gospel in an area challenged with meager resources. The saving love of Jesus Christ is preached and lived out daily in a very real, tangible way there. San Miguel would like to paint and repair a couple of its buildings, to add some new playground equipment for its many children, and to send more children to Camp Crucis, among its goals.
Our parish ingathering of the Mite Box Offering will be held on Palm Sunday. Boxes will returned to church at the Ingathering in the 10:30AM service on Palm Sunday, March 28th. If you cannot pick up a mite box at church you can click here to give online or send a check to St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 917 Lamar Street, Fort Worth, 76102 and note Mite Box in the memo line. A day of fellowship with San Miguel has been tentatively set for Saturday, April 24, on site at their property.
For more information or questions, contact Judy Mayo at or here to give online