What to Expect
St. Andrew’s is a welcoming community where the hand of Christian fellowship is extended to all, offering a place to grow in Christ. Founded in 1875, St. Andrew's is a 1928 Prayer Book church located in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth (Anglican Church in North America). The 1910 building is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful churches in the Southwest, a truly inviting and holy space for worship and prayer. Yet the true heart of the church is not the building, but its people. St. Andrew’s is a biblical church that stands faithfully and obediently under the authority of Holy Scripture. Great emphasis is placed on Christian education for all ages as the knowledge of God’s Word is essential in the Christian life.
Here is a space to worship the Living God, where all are encouraged to explore God’s call and purpose in their lives. Here is a place to find other sojourners on the journey of faith.
What to expect on Sundays
Holy Communion
8:00AM in Shuman Chapel Every Sunday
An intimate early morning
Holy Communion service with no choir.
This is a shorter service and more intimate due to the
chapel size.
10:30 Morning Prayer/Holy Communion service
10:30AM in the Church and Live Streamed
(The 1st Sunday of the month we celebrate Holy Communion)
with full choir, organ and
occasional additional instruments
Attire is somewhat more formal than the 8 AM service however
we encourage all to attend as they feel is comfortable for worship.
Nursery Available
Come to Breakfast
8:45-9:30AM in Moncrief Hall
Breakfast served throughout
the Adult Education Hour
Intercessory Prayer
8:45 AM in McFarland Lounge
Please contact Nancy Komatsu to learn more.
This lay-led group gathers to pray weekly
for our clergy and staff, parish family and ministries, Bishop and Diocese,
mission and outreach, and special needs as they arise.
Adult Education
9:15AM in Moncrief Hall
Education and Fellowship Hour
Nursery Available
Youth Education
9:15AM in Youth Rooms
Children’s Education
9:15AM in Children’s Sunday School Rooms
Children follow the crucifer out of the church
during the sermon hymn to their classrooms
Nursery Available
Preschool Education
9:15AM & 11:15AM in Preschool Area
Monthly Prayer Ministry
Following the 10:30AM service, the first Sunday of each month
anyone desiring prayer may come to the chapel
to meet with a member of the Prayer Ministry team.
All are welcome!