Outreach Partners
Ministry & Mission Partners
The followers of Christ are called to have a two-fold purpose in the world around us: to love each other as disciples, and to love the world as proclaimers of the Good News of Jesus Christ. This is what St. Andrew’s mission statement sets forth.
St. Andrew’s partners with and financially supports select organizations engaged in ministry and mission that disseminate the Gospel within our Fort Worth community, both locally and globally. These include local Ministry Partners with whom we have forged robust connections to share the Gospel within our Fort Worth community, as well as Mission Partners dedicated to global outreach and evangelism beyond Fort Worth. A central focus of St. Andrew’s is to participate in the work of mission as an integral part of our discipleship in serving Christ and His people, thereby expanding His Kingdom - whether within our town or across the globe. Please join us in praying for these partners and consider how you may get involved with your time, talents and treasure.
Jesus said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.“ Luke 10:2
For more information please contact The Rev’d Brent Christian.
Local Ministry Partners
A ministry of the Anglican Diocese of Fort Worth. Camp Crucis, 140 -acre campus near Granbury, is a wonderful resource available to everyone in our Diocese - a peaceful place of Christian Community for nurturing, planning,, reflection and discussion. It serves as a diocesan resource center for ministry, education and spiritual renewal. Camp Crucis is available to other church denominations and organizations, private and public schools, non- profit groups and organizations, individuals and families and private groups.The Camp Crucis Summer Camping program offers an outstanding Christian camping program for children and teens from all denominations. It is a Christian community of love and fellowship where young people are encouraged to have fun and to experience the love of Christ. St. Andrew’s support helps to make possible camp scholarships for children whose families need assistance. Our partnership provides help with the Camp’s many ongoing capital improvements and facility maintenance. campcrucis.org
St. Andrew’s Men’s Ministry Serving at Ronald McDonald House
Members of St. Andrew’s began this ministry to address an important charitable need in our community. Once a month, church members meet to provide a meal at the Ronald McDonald House of Fort Worth. This hamburger/hot dog meal with “all the sides, and an ice cream dessert, enjoyably feeds the families of children who are hospitalized at Cook’s Children’s Hospital or are undergoing treatment for illnesses. Ronald McDonald House of Fort Worth (RMHFW) provides a comforting and supportive environment for families facing the challenges of childhood illness understanding that a child’s illness affects the entire family’s well-being. They provide a home-away-from-home for families to find the solace, strength, and support that they need. The mission of the monthly cookout provided by St. Andrew’s members is to offer families a small touch of home. By feeding approximately 100 to 110 people each month it is the members’ hope to spread God’s kingdom in an honorable way and support the work of RMHFW. rmhfw.org
The brightest and best thinkers have wrestled with life’s ultimate questions. At SEARCH Ministries, we’ve sifted through books, lectures, manuscripts, and contemporary conversations with some of the leading intellectuals in the world to ensure that we can provide well-structured and meaningful answers to these legitimate questions about the existence of God, the trustworthiness of the Bible, the reality of heaven and hell, why “any religous path” or “leading a good life won’t get us to heaven.
Bill Kraftson, co-founder of SEARCH Ministries leads classes for parishioners to learn about relational evangelism called “I Can Do That!.” Leaders from SEARCH also partner with churches to provide Open Forums for seekers led in neutral settings on topics of truth without judgement or animosity. These discussions often open doors for much deeper conversations. SEARCH has also developed many wonderful books and resources to help equip Christians to become confident in sharing the gospel with others as a basic discipleship course for new believers and are now expanding their outreach into the 25-45 age demographic. searchnational.org
UGM of Tarrant County is a Christ-centered residential ministry on Lancaster for homeless men, women and families, providing life skills training and Christian discipleship. The mission also offers meals and chapel services for non-residents in need of assistance. Their goal is to help individuals develop the skills needed to become independent, productive community members. UGM’s Chaplain, Fr. Rogers is a priest in the Anglican Diocese of Fort Worth. St. Andrew’s has been involved with the Mission since its earliest days, with parishioners serving in many different roles: Leading regular chapel praise and worship services; assisting in meal service; donating school supplies for Mission children; initiating and facilitating the Alpha program for residents; and through our Sandwich Ministry members that assemble sandwiches during the week in our St. Andrew’s kitchen which are taken to UGM for the unsheltered who are in need. ugm-tc.org
Victory Ministries is a non-profit residential program ministering to those with addictions to drugs and alcohol and often with criminal backgrounds. The ministry offers transformational and healing though the grace and power of Jesus Chris. Men and women who have been bound by addictions find their lives are transformed through this six-month program of life-on-life discipleship. Through the services provided, men and women are inspired to achieve and accomplish extraordinary things to improve their lives while helping others. The first Thursday of each month a luncheon is held at the Men’s Home with several testimonies shared by the men and women demonstrating the miracle of lives redeemed in Christ a powerful experience for anyone interested in how this 24/7 discipleship program works. All are invited to come and see how the Lord is redeeming lives. When you invest in this ministry you are investing in souls. Together, we are building God’s kingdom by transforming individuals, neighborhoods and communities through the grace and power of Jesus Christ. victoryministriesdfw.org
Global Mission Partners
The Anglican Diocese of Northern Malawi
In the mid-90s, the Diocese of Fort Worth under Bishop Iker developed a companion relationship with the Anglican Diocese of Northern Malawi, Africa. A group of St. Andrew’s parishioners traveled on mission to Northern Malawi in 1996. Since then we have supported these Christians in a variety of ways, including helping to fund the boat “Emmanuel” for transport across Lake Malawi and funds for grain and rice during a severe famine. Our support has helped to strengthen the people of this Diocese who are often challenged with meager resources and needs that are basic and ongoing. In this way strengthening the Curch’s presence in Malawi. This Diocesan relationship is supported through the World Missions Committee, a ministry of the Anglican Diocese of Fort Worth. The Program is the cornerstone vehicle wheby Fort Worth Diocesan churches have contributed funds to halp pay the stipends of the clergy of Northern Malawi. The Centurion Program provides more than financial support; it is an exchange of prayers and relationship. St. Andrew’s has been paired in this Partnershop with Bishop Fanuel Magangani, who met the first St. Andrew’s missioners in 1996 as a young man. Our parish helped him to complete seminary training. Most recently, he received his D Mn in Pastoral Leadership from Nashotah House. Video of the history of Christian mission in Northern Malawi and our diocese and parish’s work over the years.
Caritas Foundation International
Caritas promotes Christian theological education and mission. The name “Caritas" comes from the Latin word for "God's love" (the equivalent of "agape" in Greek) and is the root from which we derive our English word "charity."
True to the foundation's motto "Rooted in the Past--Transforming the Future," Caritas seeks to make disciple-makers who live out the biblical insights of the English Reformation in their communities. We believe that encouraging people to die to self daily is the only solid foundation for building a better society and that such on-going repentance only comes from the gratitude inspired by focusing on the incredible grace of God revealed in the life-changing love of Jesus Christ. Two areas of current concentration are the historic heirs of the English Reformation, i.e., the global Anglican Communion, and those who struggle with performance- based identities, in particular world-class athletes and coaches. On the one hand, Caritas is involved in a number of educational and missional activities throughout the world which promote Reformation Anglicanism in the Twenty-first Century. On the other, we support discipleship-making through sports chaplaincy amongst members of the Olympic family.
The Rev’d Canon Dr. Ashley Null, a leading Anglican theologian and Cranmerian scholar, is the Executive Director and Chaplain. St. Andrew’s has supported his work and witness around the worldwide Anglican Church. Of particular interest to St. Andrew’s currently is Dr. Null’s leadership with the Alexandria (Egypt) School of Theology (AST) Education System, designed to provide regional orthodox Christian education to African and Egyptian students. caritasfoundation.org
The Gresser Family - SAMS Missionaries to Malawi
For many years, the ACNA Diocese of Fort Worth has contributed to planting new mission parishes in Malawi. Today the average priest is responsible for up to 10 local missions. The Church needs more pastors and evangelists to reach the population. Fr Bob will help train men for the task.
St. Andrew’s supports missionaries Rev’d Bob and Traci Gresser, who serve with the Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders (SAMS) as REC missionaries, as they live and serve in Malawi. Malawi brothers and sisters are seeking to further the kingdom of God through quality theological education at Leonard Kamungu Theological College, preparing the next generation of priests and laypeople to lead the Church in Malawi and Central Africa. Robert has a passion to serve as a theological educator where there is a lack of qualified teachers, not to replace local leaders, so thy can in then train other church leaders. Those benefiting directly from his work are faculty and students studying for ministry and indirectly the future congregations of the clergy being trained. Their goal is to have 144 clergy trained in ten years. The vision is to increase the impact of the school by seeking accreditation, offering a bachelor’s degree to clergy who only have a 3-year certificate , expanding to include distance learning, and in the future offering a master’s degree.
Traci’s experience as a home educator for special needs children in invaluable. She draws upon this experience to encourage families, espceially those with special needs children. Special needs children are vulnerable to abuse and exploitation in many societies. The Gressers’ example and Traci’s experience in caring for their adopted sons are a living testimony to the value of each life. Traci is in contact with others who minister to children at risk in Africa. rec-bfm.org/the-gressers
SOMA Sharing Of Ministries Abroad
SOMA, a mission agency called by God is to serve the Anglican Church worldwide—building up and equipping the Body of Jesus Christ through the renewing power of the Holy Spirit, using short-term, cross cultural missions, for the transformation of individuals, churches and communities. SOMA sends teams to strengthen Anglican leaders and the Church worldwide by primarily ministering to clergy and lay leaders. Our experience shows that when leaders are encouraged, renewed and empowered, all those they lead will be impacted. In 2024 SOMA and the Christian Renewal Association trained and supported Tanzanian leaders in trauma and inner-healing for children and initiated a ministry for a kids’ camp reaching 2,143 children and teaching them the power of forgiveness when extended to those who have been the cause of their trauma. By divine providence SOMA and the Diocese of Fort Worth shared a journey to a send a mission to the Diocese of Zambesia, Mozambique, for ministry to 45 clergy and lay leaders and clergy spouses. The mission’s purpose was to impart orthodox theological doctrine and to teach about the fullness of the Holy Spirit and His vital role in life and ministry. SOMA is extremely grateful for its partnership with St. Andrew’s. Your prayers and financial support fuel our mission to empower the church worldwide to fulfill the Great Commission. somausa.org
Bible League International (BLI) is an interdenominational, evangelical organization whose mission is to serve the under-resourced Church with Bibles and training to transform lives worldwide through God’s Word. BLI desires to see thriving local churches around the world offering salvation and hope through biblically-based training and resources that meet the spiritual, moral, and social needs of their communities. BLI’s main initiatives include Church Growth, Children & Youth, and Prison Ministry that are manifested in four ministry programs, including Project Philip (the initial discipleship program), Bible-based Literacy, Church Planter Training, and Bible Translation. St. Andrew’s partnership with BLI is specifically with the Translation Department. Translation maintains various projects with partners in the field, currently including Bibles in Japanese, Swahili, Haitian Creole, Indonesian, Urdu, Turkish, and several major Indian Languages. Already completed translations include: Arabic, Bengali, English, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese among others. BLI works in “majority” language groups which is defined as those having more that 7 million total speakers. Local partners work with the in-house Bible BLI to produce the Easy-to-Read Bible (ERV), as a model text . Consultants work with native speaking partners to faithfully and accurately represent the original, Aramaic, and Greek texts into contemporary language, ensuring that the first Bible people receive is one they can understand. All Bible- Based Literacy are integrated into Project Philip, Church Planter Training, and Bible-based Literacy materials. bibleleague.org
Archbishop Ben & Gloria Kwashi - Zambiri School
Archbishop Ben Kwashi, recently retired from many of his roles within Anglicanism, has not retired from active ministry. He moved out of the diocesan quarters where he lives as the Bishop of Jos and has moved to Zambiri. In the past few years as they considered his retirement, they purchased property there with a plan to house over 400 orphans that they have under their care. Prior to moving to Zambiri, the Kwashis developed a school and housed the orphans in the official Bishop’s compound, while he served as Bishop and led GAFCON as General Secretary. In this new season, they have dedicated their resources to provide a new school building, proper housing and needed care for these children - whose number increases almost daily. The Kwashi’s plan to continue to disciple, house, feed and educate some 450 orphans comes with many operational costs, as well as construction costs and the Kwashi’s own living expenses. The operationg budget equates to $160 per child per year to be housed, clothed, fed and educated - a small sum to invest in the next generation of Christ followers! After many years of shared ministry and mutual friendship with the Kwashi's, St. Andrew’s is blessed to be able to help support Ben and Gloria as they nurture and further God’s kingdom.