Adult Christian Education & Confirmation Class
Exploring Class
Sundays March 16 - April 6
This is a class for all who wish to go deeper in their journey of faith. We will dive deeper into Anglicanism, the Prayer Book and St. Andrew’s Anglican Church.
For anyone who has been a long-time member or just joined and would like to revisit or learn more about Anglicanism, the Book of Common Prayer and our church this class is for you.
For anyone desiring membership at St. Andrew's or or just wanting to know more about St. Andrew's Church, or the Anglican faith both local and global, this class is for you.
Mission Statement: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church exists… to worship God…in the beauty of holiness, in Spirit and in Truth. to equip and empower…every member for ministry to win the lost…to Jesus Christ and disciple every believer to spread God’s kingdom…through charitable, righteous works locally and globally.
Credo: “I believe the Holy Scriptures to be the written and inspired word of God. By faith, I acknowledge Jesus Christ as God incarnate, the Lord by whose name all must be saved, and receive him as my personal savior. I believe he rose bodily from the grave on the third day. I pledge to promote and adhere to the Doctrine, Discipline and Worship of historic Anglicanism and St. Andrew's Parish as represented by the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion and the historic Prayer Book tradition.”
For more information contact Suzanne Hearn