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Here is a space to worship the Living God, where all are encouraged to explore God’s call and purpose in their lives. Here is a place to find other sojourners on the journey of faith.

October is Stewardship Month

Why Pledge:

  • Prayerfully consider a commitment for 2025. St. Andrew’s is growing in all areas and reaching out into our community. As builders we lay a foundation, that others will build upon. The Lord has laid our foundation at St. Andrew’s.

  • The Pledge cards we receive help us in the preparation of our 2025 budget. This budget helps us to spread the message of the gospel through worship, ministry, missions, education, programming and fellowship.

If you wish to pledge:

  • Pledge Here Online


  • Pick up a pledge card in the church office or at church on Sunday

  • Fill the card out and return on November 3 for our Ingathering and Blessing.

…but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. Ephesians 2:17-21

Trunk or Treat

Come join us in an evening of fellowship and fun!

To make this event successful we need your help!

If you would like to fill your trunk with treats for all our trick or treaters

Sign up here online or visit realm to sign up

If you can not make the event or if you would like to make a donation towards this community outreach event, you can do that here donate here

Thank you for your support and let's


into some fun!!

Contact Lindsay Lindley for more info or questions.

Upcoming Events

click images for details

The Shop at Saint Andrew’s

Portions of our profits from sales go to support St. Andrew's ministries. NOW YOU CAN SHOP ONLINE
Just click to find the perfect gift

More opportunities to shop no matter where you are.

Orders placed online may be picked up the following day (Mon-Thurs) at the St. Andrew's front office at 917 Lamar Street from 10:00am -3:00pm, or on Sunday directly after the 10:30 service.


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